FSInf Quotes: Zitatesammlung der Fachschaft Informatik @ TU-Wien
Quotes: 1654 Votes: 13396 Activity: 27 MQ: 1|1
Submit a quote.
Your quote will be held for moderation. An administrator must approve the quote, before it appears.
Submission tips:
Not using the comment field nearly always makes the quote funnier. For the person to understand the joke, the punchline should hit last.
Leave off "haha" or "lol" at the end of quotes. Go look at some of the top quotes and add "<whoever> haha" to the end. See?
Fix misspellings and things. Remove timestamps unless necessary. There are a couple hilarious quotes where the punchline has an unrelated typo and it really throws the joke.
For one-liners and quips, the shorter it is the better. It's okay to edit for brevity and clarity.
If anonymising use <A>, <B>, <C>, ... - sometimes anonymous quotes are much less fun, as the readers cannot imagine the talkers voices.
Use {quote#QUOTENUM} (eg {quote#1}) to reference a quote. It will be expanded to a link!
NEW (2020-02-27): If you supply your Inf-Coin wallet address you will be awarded Inf-Coins for the submission, once approved.